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Navigating in Cyberspace, hold on to your hat...
Welcome on board the
Virtual World Studio
Are you ready to launch with us?

TIME TRAVEL LOG: 2002.04.22
We are at the dawn of virtual cyberspace, comparable to movies at the turn of the last century. But instead of hurky jerky black and white images flickering on the wall, we have 3 dimensional online shared places - still a little jerky and not yet quite photorealistic, but getting there fast as our tools and vision improves.

As the Internet experience evolves from reading or writing email and online newsletters, we'll find ourselves frequenting these online "places," or virtual environments more and more.

How can we not? Don't you enjoy visting other places? Though not yet as engaging as the 'face-to-face' universe, virtual worlds are becoming more and more compelling as the tools for creating and delivering them mature.

But please, don't just take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. Early Internet pioneers have already developed the technology for creating such virtual places (i.e. VRML worlds and Active Worlds). Thousands of pioneers are already there!

Our Virtual World Studio is a place where you can see what we do in these worlds, especially for advancing the craft of story-telling. It is already possible to use them as 3D sets for video productions, combining, say, an ancient Egyptian world with live action actors via blue screen technology.

Soon, even the most modest media studio will have photorealistic 3D sets seamlessly interwoven with people, both real and virtual. Ancient Greek, Roman, Middle East, Chinese, or Dinosaur worlds worlds will simply be a few clicks away..real 21st Century Virtual technologies are already beginning to surpass the 24th century visions of our SciFi writers (i.e. real world medical Holodeck tech).

In my experience as a new media professional, a major convergence of video, audio, Internet and computer graphics technologies is underway, accelerating at a pace surpassing even Moore's Law!.

Many TV productions are already using virtual sets, including news shows, where the set completely lives in the computer. But this is just the beginning. At the Virtual World Studio, we are exploring the use of artifical people or avatars, as seen on our home page. This new technology reflects the beginning of realistic characters controlled by you for telling a story, delivering a message, or simply
being an online tour guide for your website. What's truly exciting are the capabilities of these great new media tools at a truly affordable cost.

This is the dawn of a Golden Age with these exciting technologies. After years of being developed by visionary geeks staring at screens for untold hours all over the world, 3D virtual worlds and avatars are emerging into the mainstream of human communications.

At the Virtual World Studio, we will be checking out the latest in virtual world developments, creating compelling content, keeping you informed, and offering our media services to interested qualified clients. Join us in this adventure of a lifetime as we create and share virtual world experiences together!

Allan Lundell
Virtual World Studio



© 2002 Virtual World Studio, Boulder Creek, California. All rights reserved.